Reproductive health conditions women should be aware about
March 15, 2024
Reproductive health conditions women should be aware about:
- Endometriosis: A lining occurs inside the uterus which causes painful periods. The main symptom is pelvic pain like painful menstrual periods which may cause fertility problems. So, it is necessary for treatments and take charge of the condition and it's complications.
- Amenorrhea: Absence of menstrual periods during reproductive years. It is of two types primary and secondary. A person has primary amenorrhea when she doesn't have her period by 15 years old. Secondary amenorrhea refers to the absence of 3 or more periods in a row in someone who has had previous periods.
- Dysmenorrhea: Painful periods so severe that keeps women from doing normal activities. It is of two types primary and secondary. Primary dysmenorrhea can occur after first period and last life long which causes severe and frequent menstrual cramping. Secondary dysmenorrhea is due to some medical condition like pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis.
- PCOD: Polycystic Ovarian Disease is a medical condition where the ovaries develop immature eggs that further develop into follicular cysts. The signs and symptoms of PCOD may vary but few symptoms are acne, hirsutism (abnormal growth of hair on face and body), irregular menstrual cycle, hair thinning, weight gain, etc.
- Anemia: Problem of not having enough red blood cells to carry oxygen from heart to other organs of the body. Symptoms include short breathness, chest pain, fast or irregular heartbeat, etc.
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